Colombo Juprana Granite

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  • Minimum Order Qty : 1
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  • Prices displayed are per Sq. Feet
  • Delivery: Usually Delivers in 12 to 48 hour

Colombo Juprana Granite, a natural stone with intricate patterns and warm colors, exudes timeless elegance and is popular for countertops, flooring, and wall cladding. Its classic appearance complements various design styles and offers exceptional durability, making it a perfect choice for interior and exterior projects.

SKU: GNGOTHSGG0013 Category: Tag:

Colombo Juprana Granite: Nature’s masterpiece in stone. Colombo Juprana Granite is a remarkable natural stone celebrated for its intricate patterns and a harmonious blend of warm golds, reds, and greys. It exudes timeless elegance, creating a captivating and inviting atmosphere in any space. This granite is a preferred choice for countertops, flooring, and wall cladding, offering a classic and sophisticated appearance that complements various design styles. Beyond its striking aesthetics, Colombo Juprana Granite provides exceptional durability and longevity, ensuring that your architectural designs stand the test of time. Choose Colombo Juprana Granite to infuse a sense of enduring beauty and character into your interior and exterior projects, where classic meets timeless allure.

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